Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Transgenic mice for FGFR3 signaling in vivo – Part II

Research Update: 
As mentioned in the previous blog, we are in the process of generating different transgenic mice that will be used to better define the functional role of cleaved soluble intracellular fragment (sICD) of FGFR3. Specifically, we are generating three types of transgenic mice: the wild-type FGFR3, the cleavage resistant FGFR3, and the achondroplasia-FGFR3. The wild type FGFR3 is the normal FGFR3 capable of performing all the normal functions. The cleavage-resistant FGFR3 has a mutation in its molecular structure that disables cleavage, and therefore will not be able to generate the sICD fragment unlike the wild-type FGFR3. The achondroplasia-FGFR3 mice contain the FGFR3 with the same mutation found in Achondroplasia condition. Additionally, we will also have mice that express only the sICD fragment, and will be used for future experiments. The process of generating and establishing these transgenic mice involves several steps as discussed in the previous blog. We are currently validating and preparing assays to genotype (the process of determining/identifying the specific genetic type of transgenic mice) mice that will be generated. Once established, these transgenic mice will be used in different experiments that will reveal functional roles for sICD in growth plate development.

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